
phone with socials

16 July 2018

How to use hashtags correctly in 2018

It’s without any doubt that social media is a key modern business tool. There is an array of different social […]


4 July 2018

A quick guide to Pantone colours for Marketing Designers

Consistency in colour for most strong brands is critical. Visual memory is usually what you will recall well, so a […]


25 June 2018

Pre and Post Exhibition Tactics Marketers need to know

We spilled the secrets to a successful exhibition in one of our latest posts and now we want to dive […]

man looking at exhibition

18 June 2018

[Slideshare] Secrets to a Successful Exhibition for Marketers

If you’re considering exhibiting, then you will have already acquainted yourself with the benefits it can bring. However, it’s essential […]

setting goals sign

11 June 2018

[Slideshare] Set a goal, write it down, achieve it! Goal setting for marketers – how to make them more achievable…

Most people have in mind goals that they want to achieve; whether small or large, short-term or long-term, we have […]

man looking at exhibition

30 May 2018

The Secrets to a Successful Exhibition for Marketers

If you’re considering exhibiting, then you will have already acquainted yourself with the benefits it can bring. However, it’s essential […]

10 May 2018

Increase Brand Awareness While Reducing Plastic Waste – Branded Travel Mugs

Recently in the news, we’ve seen that the consequences of our love for coffee on-the-go, are getting more serious. Stats […]

crumpled up piece paper

25 April 2018

How to generate marketing ideas with these 10 hacks

Marketers are often under a substantial amount of pressure to keep coming up with creative ideas in order to attract […]

jigsaw puzzles

11 April 2018

How to use direct mail throughout your marketing funnel

Ask any other fellow marketer and they will probably agree that writing a marketing strategy is no easy task. A […]

light bulb

4 April 2018

5 item ideas to inspire your next promotional campaign

As you can tell, we hold ideas in very high esteem here at Birch. We also know that it can […]

hammock in palm trees

21 March 2018

Take a break – the best way to increase performance at work

Being a marketing professional has been rated as the best (and happiest) job in the UK. However, we understand that […]


9 March 2018

How to be a more focused and productive marketer

Step inside any marketing department, in any business, and nine times out of ten the atmosphere is buzzing with excitement […]

linkedin slideshare

1 March 2018

[Slideshare] Enhance Inbound Marketing with Direct Mail

Inbound marketing is one of the core channels for a business to dive into, if they’re looking to grow their […]


21 February 2018

How to humanise your brand through anthropomorphic marketing

Brands are living beings; this may sound odd but it is true. Brands do everything that living beings do; they […]

silver watch

7 February 2018

Eleven Essential Time Management Tips for Marketers

We know that there’s a lot to love about marketing: the ever-changing landscape of advancing techniques, the variety of tasks […]


24 January 2018

How To Use Direct Mail to Enhance Outbound Sales

When creating and implementing strategies for your business there are generally two types that are commonly used: inbound marketing and […]


12 January 2018

How to Use Direct Mail to Enhance Inbound Marketing

How can direct mail, which is outbound by nature, enhance inbound marketing? Surely this method doesn’t fit into the inbound […]


28 December 2017

How To Achieve Stress Free Printing

The secret behind stress free printing is making sure that you plan the whole process properly. The process is key. […]


13 December 2017

Sustainable Direct Marketing. Does it Actually Exist?

Yes. Sustainable direct marketing exists. From reducing paper waste to leaner manufacturing processes, there are a number of ways that […]

linkedin logo

11 December 2017

[SlideShare] How Will GDPR Affect Direct Marketing?

GDPR is one of the hottest topics in business and especially direct marketing. Starting on 25th May 2018, all businesses, […]


7 December 2017

[SlideShare] When to Use Direct Mail for Maximum Effect

Back in October, we posted this blog about when to use direct mail for maximum effect. To help reinforce our […]

people looking on phone

29 November 2017

How To Combine Direct Mail and Social Media

Rather than just relying on one channel to target and engage with prospects, campaigns typically have better success when multiple […]